
A Profile of St. Ann

Parish Name: St. Ann Capital: St. Ann’s Bay Land Area: 1,210.25 sq km (467.3 sq mi) Population: 173,232 History St. Ann was named after Ann Hyde, wife of James II, King of England and is [more..]


St Ann Reaping Benefits From New Highway

Initially, drivers were made to believe there would have been significant benefits in using the Mammee Bay-to-Kingston leg of the North-South Highway, but high toll rates might have put paid to that notion. However, there [more..]


ID-54 Jerk Festival in Ocho Rios

INDEPENDENCE DAY (ID-54 years), Wednesday, August 6, will see St Ann’s first jerk festival at Turtle River Park, Ocho Rios with jerk being the style of cooking and not just for the usual chicken and [more..]


Sturridge Hosts Bucksfield Fun Day

LIVERPOOL striker Daniel Sturridge returns to host the third annual Charity Family Fun Day, Football Tournament and Reggae Concert at the Buckfields Playing Field in Ochi Rios, St Ann, today. “I want to invite everybody [more..]

Arts & Crafts

Bamboo Blu Restaurant – Mammee Bay

Bamboo Blu in Jamaica is the hidden jewel of Ocho Rios, located in Mammee Bay Estate, Mammee Bay, St. Ann along the beautiful Caribbean Sea amid swaying palms trees and warm sunny breezes. Bamboo Blu [more..]