Lime Hall Road Underwent A Well Needed Upgrade

Posing for opening of upgraded Lime Hall road

Local Government and Community Development Minister, Hon. Noel Arscott, officially opened   2.2 kilometres of upgraded roadway in Lime Hall, St. Ann, on February 11, which will benefit over 2,000 residents.

The road, which was repaired at a cost of $16 million, will provide residents with significant ease of travel between Lime Hall and St. Ann’s Bay.

Declaring the roadway open, Minister Arscott said it will assist the residents in improving economic activities in Lime Hall and adjoining communities.

“I hope you use the opportunity to expand your economic activity. Farmers, you are having good rains now, you can put in your crops and get your produce to market very quickly,” he said.

The Minister pointed out that the Lime Hall road forms part of the national programme, which seeks to upgrade roads, especially in rural communities.

“This is one of many roads across Jamaica that we have done. We have done over 1, 200 kilometres of roads  since 2011 and we know that we have plans to do many, many more,” he noted..

Meanwhile, Mayor of St. Ann’s Bay and Councillor for the Lime Hall Division, Desmond Gilmore, expressed delight with the completion of the project.

Mayor Gilmore said the upgraded road will now move Lime Hall from the “back road” into more productive avenues. He is encouraging the business community to take advantage of the opportunities which will be available.

He also encouraged the citizens to take care of the road and ensure that drains are not blocked with domestic waste.