
A Profile of St. Ann

Parish Name: St. Ann Capital: St. Ann’s Bay Land Area: 1,210.25 sq km (467.3 sq mi) Population: 173,232 History St. Ann was named after Ann Hyde, wife of James II, King of England and is [more..]


Ja to Receive Additional Flights from Atlanta

The much anticipated winter tourist season, which officially starts in another two weeks, will be significantly boosted by some 60,000 visitors courtesy of Delta Vacations and the Mexico headquartered, Turissimo Excursions. The two destination management [more..]


Hurricane Matthew is Coming

Jamaica’s emergency management agency started deploying supplies to shelters yesterday as Hurricane Matthew gained strength while churning across the warm waters of the central Caribbean, resulting in the Meteorological Service labelling the cyclone “extremely dangerous” [more..]


St Ann Reaping Benefits From New Highway

Initially, drivers were made to believe there would have been significant benefits in using the Mammee Bay-to-Kingston leg of the North-South Highway, but high toll rates might have put paid to that notion. However, there [more..]